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Be a WordPress Wrangler: Creating Order in the Wild Wild West of HighEd Web

Monday, Oct 22 11:45 - 12:45

Presented by Laura Wright

Decentralized web publishing environments in higher education can feel like the Wild Wild West. When everyone able to publish anything on your web servers, you end up with problems including security issues due to outdated CMS’s and plugins, use of antiquated code, noncompliance with accessibility best practices and inconsistent use of branding.
All of these issues create a web presence that is difficult to manage, creates a sub-optimal experience for users, and can affect your university’s recognition and reputation.
Learn how you can rein in faculty, student groups, administrative units and more with a customized web experience built in WordPress multisite (with the help of some plugins!) that is easy to use and maintain, empowers your authors to deliver rich content and provides your end users with an informative experience.


Laura Wright

Digital Producer

Laura Wright wears the vast variety of hats one dons working in the high ed web: writer, producer, coder; overall, a wrangler. Currently, she is a digital producer for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute and University of Washington. Her professional interests include WordPress development, project management and process improvement.