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Room 306

Visual Hierarchy in a Mobile Design World

Tuesday, Oct 23 10:45 - 11:30

Presented by Waylon Baumgardner

Visual hierarchy is a cornerstone for all design disciplines and describes how humans interact and perceive content across all mediums. As digital designers, it is our responsibility to design interfaces and experiences that help communicate the content our users are looking for. Mobile screens present unique challenges to applying visual hierarchy concepts, especially when viewed through the lens of responsive design and progressive enhancement. This presentation will explore tactics that can be employed to help bridge the gap between design constraint and content priority, as well as discuss the role visual hierarchy should play when designing for all digital screens.



Waylon Baumgardner

Senior Web Services Manager

Waylon Baumgardner is a web professional who has worked in higher education for nearly a decade. Baumgardner leads a small but talented team responsible for managing multiple websites and web applications for California Baptist University, one of Southern California's fastest growing private universities whose enrollment is just under 10,000 students. Currently, Baumgardner is interested in how the intersection of user experience and design combine to result in high-functioning websites and apps.